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2024 Events:

A Community Reentry Simulation

SPRING/Fall 2024

VFA will conduct a "Reentry Simulation" where citizens and county officials will be given the opportunity to reenter into Ravalli County, just as a returning citizen would on their first day of freedom. How successful will these valued members of society be without the assistance of a Reentry Program? Join us as we follow and hear from our selected "returning citizens" as they experience the difficult journey of a "successful reentry". You won't want to miss this! Please register for this event as  mock returning citizens or work at the tables that emulate community resources. Fill out the form on the contacts page to register, or call 406.880.7410, email: Space is limited!!!

October 2024

VFA is sponsoring Montana's first Statewide Reentry Summit/Helena MT.

Keynote Speaker: Stephanie Taylor/Prison Ministries

Reentry is a public health issue that touches the lives of every citizen in our great state. We are inviting all MT. citizens, local, state and national governments. Join us for an informative time of Q&A with our panel of experts in reentry. Date, place and time tba soon.


an ongoing event

Valley Churches provide back packs for VFA clients.

Valley Churches are purchasing and putting together backpacks with essential items to give our clients as they are released from incarceration. Backpack items are items such as: water bottles, tooth brush& paste, bibles, motivational books, journals, wash clothes/wipes, used cell phones/tablets, gloves &hats, gas/food cards, encouragement/prayer cards...make it your own! We appreciate our valley churches for their love and generosity for individuals in need who are returning to our community. If you would like to hear more about this program or how your church can get involved, please email:

 or contact Christine @ 406.8807410.


  • We are currently looking for volunteers who are interested in organizing and serving in annual fundraisers. The $ earned will be applied to offering our clients monetary help as they reenter society; such as: rental needs, storage unit rentals, compliance monitoring, food, clothing, gas, etc.


                                                                       COMING SOON!

STAR (Support Therapy After Release))Housing. Housing is the number one barrier for returning citizens to successfully reintegrate. Add to that the difficult housing market right now ! We at VFA promote "HOPE" for our clients and are committed to providing everything they need for a second chance. STAR housing will offer our clients the safe and supportive environment they need to become a successful member of society. Why? We all need a second chance at some point in our lives. 95% of our clients have endured as least one traumatic event in their lives, coupled with incarceration. They need a safe, loving space to heal and gain the tools needed to be successful. Each male and female section of housing will have a certified peer support specialist for added support and accountability. Our housing will be recovery certified housing and comply with state guidlines as outline by NARR. Please consider participating  in our fundraiser and/or donating to this program...."it takes a village"!

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