Valley Felon -Aid Volunteers

Valley Felon-Aid offers several opportunities for community volunteers to help us reach our goals. We appreciate our volunteers and believe  we all have something valuable to offer our program. Please see the following list for ways you can help our clients become successful members of society.

1. Become a  platinum, gold, silver, or bronze donor ( $25-$100 per month).

2. Help with fundraising events.

3. Share your talents and passions with VFA clients, such as: gardening, arts and crafts, hiking, fishing, skiing, life skills, etc. 

4. Donate back packs and /or essential items,(personal hygiene products, cold weather items, unused cell phones, gift cards, bibles, etc.) gifted to our clients at the time of release from incarceration.

5. Help with fundraising

6. Donate your hand-made goods for our online store (coming soon).

Contact us any time

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